News & Publications



Submit a Paper to WEAI Conference


APPAM is organizing a session at WEAI! We are accepting submissions to be included in this session at their 99th Annual Conference in Seattle, WA this June 29 -July 3, 2024.

What is WEAI?

WEAI is a non-profit, educational community dedicated to sharing economic research and analysis. They publish two quarterly journals - Economic Inquiry and Contemporary Economic Policy - that are purposefully written for as wide a range of readers as possible. Their conferences are lively forums for members to share their research and encourage discussion in an inclusive and constructive environment.

The organization is home to 2,000 economists from around the world who come from academia, business, government, and research.

Why is APPAM participating?

WEAI conferences regularly include participation by Allied Societies. This year, APPAM will participate as one of those societies. As an Allied Society, APPAM will represent our membership at this conference with sessions in an effort to showcase the phenomenal work done by our members. Learn more about Allied Societies and see participating organizations here

How do I participate?

If you're interested in attending the conference or submitting a proposal for a session, please send papers and questions directly to Mark Long, Dean of University of California, Riverside at who is organizing on behalf of APPAM. The deadline to submit is Friday, February 2, 2024.

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