Conferences & Events



#2021APPAM Fall Conference Registration


2021 Fall Conference Registration 


Registration Information

Attendee Type Early Regular Onsite
APPAM Member Professional $365 $485 $550
Non-Member Professional $530 $650 $700
APPAM Retired Member $160 $180 $205
APPAM Student Member $110 $130 $150

In-person registration discounts are available for government employees but you must have a valid government (.gov) email. Please email, from your government email to receive a 15% discount on Early and Regular registration rates. Discounts will not be offered for onsite registration. Only individuals with valid .gov email addresses are eligible for this discount. 

** Student rates are for student members only.


Attendee Type Rates
APPAM Member Professional $25
Non-Member Professional $50
APPAM Retired Member $25
APPAM Student Member $25


What does a virtual registration include?

Access to all hybrid sessions, all virtual sessions, all streamed sessions (Super Sessions, Presidential Address and Membership Meeting), as well as recordings of all these sessions afterwards. Hybrid and virtual sessions will be held as Zoom Meetings so virtual attendees can interact directly with the presenters.  All streamed sessions (Super Sessions and special events) will be held as Zoom Webinars so virtual attendees may submit their questions via the Q&A feature but will not be able to speak directly to the presenters. 

60+ sessions will be available to the virtual registrant, or 20% of the total content of #2021APPAM.

**Virtual registration will not be refunded at any point. 

** Government employee discount not available for virtual registration.

2021 Fall Conference Update Questions

Questions & Answers

Q: What if COVID isn't better by March?


We take our staff and attendee's safety very seriously. We have worked hard to make the conference as COVID safe as possible. Please see our page that details all the precautions we have taken. Additionally, there is a virtual option for attendees who don't feel safe in person. 

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Q: What if I want to change the format of my session?


We cannot accept additional format change requests. You will receive a separate email shortly with your presentation details and instructions on how to withdraw, change presenting authors, and make other submission revisions. If you have questions about your submission, please email

Submissions for the November 2022 conference in Washington D.C. open in early February, so if you must withdraw, we hope you resubmit for the fall and join us there.

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Q: Why are we meeting in Texas when they recently passed SB8, a very restrictive law against abortion?


We know that many of you are upset about this law and wondered why we wouldn't move the conference. For a conference APPAM's size, we contract 5 years out from the date of the conference. Breaking a hotel contract would mean paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in penalties and would also mean we would lose a place to have a face-to-face conference. Moving a conference like this is virtually impossible given the time frame.


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Q: Will the Spring 2022 Conference impact the Fall 2022 Conference?


No. The 2022 conference will take place as scheduled November 17 - 19, 2022 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC.

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