About the Steven D. Gold Award
APPAM approved this award in 1997 when the Policy Council adopted a policy for the creation of awards in recognition or memory of a specific person. That policy states that the association will not use operating funds to support honoraria for such awards. Accordingly, this award does not offer an honorarium. This is the only award offered through APPAM that also is offered by other associations in the public policy and management field.
The Steve Gold Award recognizes a person who has made a significant contribution to public financial management in the field of intergovernmental relations and state and local finance. The award is given annually by APPAM, the National Conference of State Legislatures, and the National Tax Association, in memory of Steve Gold, an active member of all three organizations whose career and life tragically were shortened by illness.
​Winners of the Steve Gold Award receive a plaque and recognition at the annual conference of the specific organization that chairs the selection committee. The sponsoring organizations rotate in chairing the selection committee.

Donald J. Boyd
Boyd Research
The 2024 Steven D. Gold Award recipient is Donald J. Boyd.
From the National Tax Association, who will present this year's Steven D. Gold Award:
"The Steven D. Gold Award was created in 1997 in memory of Steve Gold, who had an exemplary career as an analyst, researcher, and teacher, specializing in issues related to state and local public finance and intergovernmental relations. The award is given annually by the National Tax Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures — all organizations in which he was an active member — with the winner selected by one of the three organizations each year on a rotating basis.
This year’s recipient of the Steve D. Gold award, Donald J. Boyd, has had a distinguished career in state and local government public finance, holding a wide variety of positions in both government and research organizations. Like Steve, he has done both scholarly academic work, advised students and worked closely with government officials, helping to examine and improve state and local public finance."
Learn more about Donald's career and accomplishments.
Prior Recipients
(* denotes an APPAM award year)
- 2023: Daniel Williams, Baruch College
- 2022: Holly Lyons, Iowa Legislative Services Agency
- 2021: Joan Youngman, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
- 2020*: Robert Costrell, University of Arkansas
- 2019: David Teal, Alaska Legislative Finance Division
- 2018: Therese McGuire, Northwestern University
- 2017*: John M. Yinger, Syracuse University
- 2016: Jonathan Ball, Utah Legislative Fiscal Analyst
- 2015: John Mikesell, Indiana University
- 2014*: Ronald C. Fisher, Michigan State University
- 2013: Stephen Klein, Vermont Joint Fiscal Office
- 2012: David Sjoquist of Georgia State University
- 2011*: Andrew Reschovsky, University of Wisconsin-Madison, La Follette School of Public Affairs
- 2010: Gary Olson, Director of the Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency
- 2009: George Zodrow, Rice University
- 2008*: Elizabeth Hill, California Legislative Analysts Office
- 2007: Robert Lang, Director of the Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau
- 2006: Gary Cornia, Brigham Young University
- 2005*: Robert Strauss, Carnegie Mellon University
- 2004: David Crotts, Chief Economist, State of North Carolina Legislature
- 2003: William Fox, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
- 2002*: Helen Ladd, Duke University
- 2001: Robert Keaton, Chief Budget Analyst and Director of the State Senate Fiscal Office, State of Louisiana
- 2000: Robert Ebel, World Bank Institute
- 1999*: Robert Greenstein and Iris Lav, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- 1998: Victor Vernon, Chief Legislative Fiscal Officer, State of Alabama
- 1997: John Shannon, The Urban Institute