Students are an important part of APPAM. Because we value your contributions to the association, we've planned student specific conference events during the Fall Research Conference. Professional development sessions, networking opportunities with policy experts, and student attendee meets-up are what you can look forward to. Here's what's planned for the conference:
Professional Development Sessions for Students
The 2016 APPAM Professional Development Sessions for Students will be held throughout the conference, with programming on Thursday and Friday, to better accommodate student travel schedules. The sessions are aimed at supporting students in all stages of their education, from undergraduate through postdoctoral.
This year’s sessions will feature a series of panels with experts from a variety of professional fields to provide students with advice on their careers, both as students and after graduation. Sessions will include tips for grant writing, presentation skills & data visualization, and bridging the gap between graduation and policy practice.
The Grant Writing Process: Seeking Support from Private Foundations
Thursday, November 3
10:00am - 11:30am
Location: Cardozo
This panel will provide a broad overview of the grant writing process, including the basics of what makes a good grant proposal, preparing grant applications, and the roles of the grant applicant and proposal reviewers. Participants will learn about the tools needed for writing grant proposals and the processes for developing ideas for funding, budgeting, and compliance.
Speakers: John Easton, Spencer Foundation; Vivian Tseng, William T. Grant Foundation; James A. Wilson, Russell Sage Foundation
Moderator: Mallory Flowers, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bridging the Gap Between Graduate School and Your Policy Career Path
Thursday, November 3
1:15pm - 2:45pm
Location: Cardozo
Hear from experts in both the academic and non-academic sectors on how recent graduates can use the skills learned in school to better disseminate and apply their work in the real (policy) world. Policy professionals will share their experiences and helpful pointers students can use to bridge the gap between graduate school and their policy career path.
Speakers: Jill Cannon, RAND Corporation; Stella Flores, New York University; Bradley Hardy, American University; Richard Reeves, Brookings Institution.
Moderator: Luis Rodriguez, Vanderbilt University Peabody College
Data Visualization and Presentation Skills
Friday, November 4
8:30am - 10:00am
Location: Fairchild East
This session will take an in-depth look at best practices in data visualization and presentation skills among the policy community. Policy professional(s) with advanced presentation skills experience will share their thoughts, experiences, and valuable tips students and newer professionals can use when analyzing information and communicating findings in effective and engaging ways. This session will highlight how skills such as these can give students a competitive edge as they enter the field.
Speakers: Jonathan Schwabish, PhD, Senior Research Associate, The Urban Institute
Moderator: Matt Young, University of Southern California
APPAM Equity and Inclusion Fellowship
In an effort to encourage participation by underrepresented students in APPAM and its activities, the Policy Council and APPAM’s Diversity Committee created the ‘APPAM Equity and Inclusion Fellowship’ in April 2016.
The fellowship will support the travel and participation of up to 25 students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds at the 2016 APPAM Fall Research Conference, November 3 -5, in Washington, DC. Information about the Fellowship is available here.
Student Lounge
Date and Time: Thursday, November 3 - Saturday, November 5
Location: Coats, Washington Hilton
Looking for a spot to charge your mobile device, relax, and grab a quick snack? Come visit the Student Lounge! Charging stations, refreshments, and seating areas will be available for students to network with other students, schedule time to meet with professionals, or answer a few quick emails.
Student Mixer
Date and Time: Friday, November 4 from 8:00 - 9:30pm
Location: Georgetown East, Washington Hilton
Student attendees are invited to an informal meetup to mingle and enjoy cocktails and hors d'oeuvres during this networking event just for students!
Ask the Policy Experts Roundtable Session
Date and Time: Friday, November 4 from 10:15am - 12:00pm
Location: Student Lounge, Coats
The Ask the Policy Experts Roundtable session will provide an opportunity for students to meet with professionals to discuss a variety of policy topics. Experienced professionals will be available in the student lounge to speak with students, offer advice, and discuss research projects. These discussions will provide a candid, informal opportunity to network with practitioners and academics. A complete list of experts, their policy area(s) of expertise, and biographical information may be found here.
To register for this session please email Meghan Grenda at mgrenda@appam.org and indicate which expert you would like to meet with.
Group 1 - 10:15am - 11:00am
Patty Troppe, Westat
Angela Evans, University of Texas at Austin
David Hart, George Mason University
Sherry Glied, New York University
Andrew Feldman, Brookings Institution
Group 2 - 11:15am - 12:00pm
Dylan Conger, George Washington University
Jeryl Mumpower, Texas A&M University
Tom Grannemann, Mathematica Policy Research
Adam Coyne, Mathematica Policy Research
Corinna Robinson, Georgetown University
Moderator: Jodi Liu, RAND Corporation
Student Attendee Networking Group
Are you an APPAM student member attending the 2016 Fall Research Conference and looking for other student attendees to connect with? Please join the APPAM Student Member E-List to connect with fellow students who share similar policy interests.
APPAM will post student specific conference information such as student-only conference events, special student programming, and ideas to connect with other attendees in this forum. To join this E-List please log into your APPAM Member Profile, select My Features, and then select E-List to begin receiving updates. For more information on APPAM member E-Lists please visit here.
Mentoring Matching Program - New for 2016!
Interested in meeting experienced policy professionals during the 2016 Fall Research Conference? APPAM is excited to announce this brand new program!
The mentor matching program will match student attendees with policy experts to connect one-on-one during the conference. Mentors will be available to offer advice on professional development issues, examine job search strategies, discuss research projects and ideas, and answer any questions students may have as they approach graduation.
This event will serve as a great opportunity for students to connect with policy professionals, forge partnerships, and learn about diverse policy organizations.
Interested in meeting with a mentor? It's easy as 1-2-3!
- Register for the 2016 Fall Research Conference
- Select the top three mentors you would like to meet with during the conference and email their names to Meghan Grenda
- Get excited to connect one-on-one with policy experts during the conference!
View the mentors here!
This program requires advance registration. To register for this event, please follow steps 1 - 3 listed above.
For questions please contact Meghan Grenda, Membership & Administration Manager, at mgrenda@appam.org.