Activities at
Rising to the Challenge:
Engaging Diverse Perspectives on Issues and Evidence
November 7 - 9, 2019 | Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel | Denver, Colorado
As our 41st annual meeting, the APPAM 2019 Fall Research Conference will be a multi-disciplinary research conference attracting the highest quality research on a wide variety of important current and emerging policy and management issues. The current political context underscores the value of bringing together researchers and practitioners with a wide range of perspectives to engage the evidence and discuss how best to improve public policy. We hope that the theme, Rising to the Challenge: Engaging Diverse Perspectives on the Issues and Evidence, will encourage a conference with conversations that reach across disciplinary, methodological and ideological divides.
This page details the activities that are mostly highly anticipated at this year's confernece, including the Preliminary Program, Pre-Conference Workshop, Innovation Lounge, Networking Opportunities, Special Events, and Student Resources.
Preliminary Program
Session submissions closed on April 11, 2019. Our preliminary program will debut online this summer!
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Pre-Conference Workshop
We are now seeking proposals for our Preconference Workshop at the Fall Research Conference. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at the Denver Sheraton Hotel from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. All APPAM Institutional Members are invited to submit a workshop proposal on an emerging policy area or topic of interest such as methodology, management topics, or timely research. The topic does not have to correspond with the overall Fall Research Conference theme.
Preconference workshop proposals are encouraged to be original in design, include speakers from a variety of organizations, and attract a broad audience of about 150 participants. Proposed workshops may take any format including, but not limited to, hands-on demonstrations or seminar style sessions. Examples of past preconference workshops included big data, microsimulation models, and policy engagement.
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Innovation Lounge
Introduced at the 2018 Fall Research Conference, the Innovation Lounge is an easy-to-access space where experienced researchers are invited to meet and share cutting-edge research with conference attendees. Innovation through diversity will be a major theme of this conference, so we strongly encourage our attendees to do just that in the Innovation Lounge!
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Networking Opportunities
Opportunities to network at the conference will be plentiful both through our educational programs and social events. Details on the opportunities will be shared this summer.
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Special Events
The 2019 Fall Research Conference will include a variety of special events such as Fellow and Mentor Meetings, Luncheons, a Membersihp and Awards Breakfast, a PhD Program Fair, Poster Happy Hours, the Pre-Conference Workshop, Super Sessions, Wellness Workouts, and Mixers facilitating conversations between members of different demographic groups. We will announce the #2019APPAM Special Events this summer.
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Student Resources
Students are an important part of APPAM. Because we value your contributions to the association, we are planning student specific events to be held during the Fall Research Conference. Professional development sessions, networking opportunities with policy experts, and student attendee meets-up are what you can anticipate for this fall.
Questions about the conference should continue to be directed to Tristanne Staudt.