Research Across the Policy Lifecycle:
Formulation, Implementation, Evaluation and Back Again
November 11 - 13, 2020 | Zoom
Below you'll find some key pieces of information on preparing for and attending the APPAM Virtual Fall Research Conference. You can find these and other great tips for first time attendees in this carefully crafted guide, or watch the video version!
Check out our Coverage Page here.
Pre-Event Preparation
Before any event, in-person or virtual, you want to do a bit of research so you can get a feel for the conference schedule and events. Being prepared to attend will help you maximize your experience at any event!
Review the Online Program
This year's online program is more advanced than ever. Because you'll be using the program to access all sessions during the conference dates (more on that below), you'll want to make sure you're familiar with the program format. The program allows you to search for specific individuals or keywords as well as browse by session type, policy area, and day. Take some time to browse through all of the conference sessions so you know which ones you want to attend when the date rolls around.
Build a Schedule
To make things easier, the online program allows you to build your own schedule. You can create an account in the online program and add specific sessions to your schedule by clicking the star icon next to the session title. The program is not connected to the submission or conference registration system so please create a new account if you haven't made one specifically for the program. On the day of the conference, just click the calendar icon at the top of the online program page and your list of preferred sessions will be waiting for you.
Update Zoom
While not necessary, it's always best to use the most up to date version of any software. You cna check to see if your Zoom app is up to date by clicking on the account icon, then selecting 'Check for Updates.
Session Access
Perhaps one of the most important things to know about a virtual conference is how to access the sessions. We've made this simple both for presenters and attendees.
Step One: Find Your Session in the Online Program
Whether you have already created your conference schedule or you do it in the moment, you'll use the online program to access all conference sessions. A few minutes prior to the start of each session, a blue 'Join Now' button will appear next to the session title in the online program. Click that button for whichever session you'd like to join.
Step Two: Enter Your Password
Upon clicking a 'Join Now' button, you'll be prompted to enter a password. A few days before the first conference session, you'll receive an email that contains your personalized password for the conference. Enter that password whenever prompted for a session and you'll be entered into the meeting room. Your personalized password is the same for all sessions regardless of whether you're presenting or just hosting.
In-Session Tips
For many, this may be your first virtual conference. Here are some tips to help ensure your experience goes well.
Mute Yourself
All attendees will be muted upon entry to the meeting room. Unless you are actively speaking to the group, please mute your microphone to avoid any noise interference during the session.
Turn on Your Camera
To best mimic an in-person event, it's best for all attendees, speaking or not, to turn on their cameras during the event. It's nice for speakers and attendees to see who else is in the room. Worried about your appearance or background? Zoom has features to touch up your appearance and apply a virtual background so others won't be looking at what's behind you.
Update Your Display Name
Before entering a session room, make sure your Zoom display name shows your full name. This will be the equivalent of your in-person conference name badge. It's the best way for others in the room to know who you are.
Ask Questions
To keep sessions lively, we've included ample time for audience interaction. We encourage all audience members to ask questions of the speakers and paper authors. When you're ready to ask a question, use the 'Raise Your Hand' Zoom feature and the session chair/moderator will call on you. When called upon, unmute yourself and ask your question. You can raise your hand by tapping on the 'More' button from the Meeting Controls at the bottom right corner of the Zoom screen, then select the 'Raise Hand' option from the pop up menu.
Be Respectful
As with participating in all events, it's important to treat all speakers and attendees with respect. Please take a minute to review APPAM's Code of Conduct.