2022 APPAM Pre-Conference Workshops
November 17- 19, 2022 | Washington Hilton | Washington D.C.
APPAM is pleased to welcome back Pre-Conference Workshops at the 2022 APPAM Fall Research Conference: Advancing Policy Research with Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, taking place in Washington D.C. November 17 - 19, 2022.
Workshops are hosted by APPAM Institutional Members on Wednesday, November 16. The workshops will be held at the Washington Hilton in Washington DC, the Fall Conference host hotel, and exact meeting rooms details will be released in the fall. All workshop attendees will receive lunch and refreshments during the event.
Registration Rates (per workshop)
The Pre-Conference Workshops are an optional add-on that can be found on the conference registration page. If you already registered and you'd like to add a workshop, please email registration@appam.org.
- Student Member: $45
- Professional Member: $75
- Retired Member: $75
- Non-Member: $90
Pre-Conference Workshops
Workshop 1: Understanding and Using the Entrepreneurship Data in the Population Survey
11:00 am - 3:00 pm ET
Join us the day before the conference for a workshop focused on a new publicly available data resource, the Entrepreneurship in the Population (EPOP) Survey. The EPOP Survey is a five-year cross-sectional study about entrepreneurial activities across the nation that measures the U.S. adult population’s interest in, involvement with, and experiences with entrepreneurship.
The workshop is designed to introduce researchers to this robust and unique data source and facilitate their use of it. Beginning with a description of the sample and study design for the EPOP Survey, we explain how the survey combines an address-based sample, NORC’s AmeriSpeak® web panel, and non-probability sample cases for robust coverage national and state-level coverage. We review the key concepts and measurements in the survey, including measurement of gig work and the survey categorization of entrepreneurial status into the following categories: nascent entrepreneurs, withdrawn entrepreneurs who considered starting a business but ultimately did not, current business owners, current freelancers, former business owners, former freelancers, and the general population. For each of these categories, the survey asks about interest and involvement with entrepreneurial activities as well as motivating factors for why individuals chose to pursue (or not) starting a business or freelancing.
The heart of the workshop focuses on advice and instruction on how to use the data, including both a description of the data files available to users as well as sample code and analyses to guide end users. We end with a discussion about data availability and access, technical data support, future data collection and release plans, and our intention to build a community of data users for publication and results sharing.
Public and restricted data files from the Year 1 EPOP Survey (2022) will be available to researchers at the time of this workshop, with further annual files planned for release over the next four years.
Workshop 1 Agenda
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Sample and Study Design
Michael Yang, NORC at the University of Chicago
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Key Concepts and Measurement
Quentin Brummet, NORC at the University of Chicago
12:00 PM – 12:15 PM
Lunch Break
12:15 PM – 1:45 PM
Lunch Keynote: Using the Data
Katie Johnson, NORC at the University of Chicago
1:45 PM – 2:00 PM
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Data Access, Support, and Sharing
Karen Grigorian, NORC at the University of Chicago
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM
General Q&A
Workshop 2: How to Start Strong in Government-Research Partnerships
11:00 am - 4:00 pm ET
There is wide-spread enthusiasm for government-research partnerships yet little guidance on how to start them. As a result, there are many missed opportunities for cross-sector, government-research partnerships that could make a lasting, positive impact. This workshop will highlight approaches to developing, launching, and sustaining meaningful partnerships between government and research.
The focus will be on strategies that address common challenges researchers and government officials face when considering possible partnerships. Speakers will share examples to illustrate tactics for identifying viable partnership projects, fostering two-way communication, aligning expectations, resolving challenges, creating mutually useful deliverables, and other concrete actions steps.
Themes will include but not be limited to:
- I (researcher) have a policy-relevant research project to propose. Who in government cares and how can I find them?
- I (government official) have a policy project that needs research support. How can I find researchers who care and want to get involved?
- I’m not at an R1 university; can I do this, too? (Yes!)
- How not to (and how to) share your research findings, publications, etc. with government colleagues.
- Philanthropy can engage in government-research partnerships – and not just with funding.
- Prior to the session, there will be an invitation to participants to share challenges that the speakers may (with permission) use as examples.
Workshop 2 Agenda
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Welcome and context setting – why we’re here and plan for the afternoon
Panelist introductions & brief reflection on experience with government-research partnerships
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Invitation to audience: sharing own experiences & highlight questions for panelists
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Strategies for addressing common government-research partnership challenges
What would you do differently now compared with your first government-research partnership?
How can pre-analysis plans help facilitate co-creation and use of research?
How can you coordinate publishing results for both government and academic outlets?
What's the most common and avoidable mistake academic partners make?
What’s the most common and avoidable mistake government partners make?
How is government research done in house different than academic research and why does that matter?
What is the psychology of opinion change?
12:30 PM -1:45 PM
Ideas into action - small groups discuss strategies in more detail
Working lunch in two segments focused on themes and challenges of research-government partnerships (participants select 1-2 themes/challenges (examples above)
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Open Q&A with participants
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM|
Workshop real partnership experiences
Stemming from session leaders’ current work and scenarios sourced in advance from participants, this will be a full group workshop on attempted partnerships that didn’t launch or launched but didn't succeed. Focus will be on what could have been different/better and how.
3:30 PM - 3:50 PM
Q&A with participants
3:50 PM – 4:00 PM
Charge to partnership action
Workshop 3: Policy, Program, and Budgetary Reviews by Specialized Analytic Units of the US and EU: Similarities, Differences, and Cross-Atlantic Lessons
11:00 am - 5:00 pm ET
Governments everywhere must make increasingly complex decisions on an ever-widening array of issues. To assist decision makers, both the United States and the European Union have established quasi-independent, specialized analytic units that assess (1) proposed legislation, regulations, programs, and spending; and (2) the implementation, effectiveness, and efficiency of operating policies and programs.
This workshop will bring together senior US officials from Congressional Budget Office, the Congressional Research Service, the Government Accountability Office, and the Office of Management and Budget with their European counterparts at the European Court of Auditors, the European Parliamentary Research Service, and the Regulatory Scrutiny Board.
The leaders will describe commonalities and differences in analytical approaches; qualitative and quantitative techniques; and their sensitivity to political, economic, and normative considerations—first in general terms and then in the context of their major functions relating to (1) program planning, (2) ex ante and ex post impact and cost analyses (including the evaluation methodologies they employ), and (3) estimates of the effects of tax and spending decisions. Ample time will be available for audience interaction. The point would not be that one unit’s approach is smarter or wiser than another, but that it could provide practical operational and substantive insights to the APPAM audience.
Workshop 3 Agenda
11:00 AM –11:15 AM
Introduction: The unit leaders will describe (1) its organizational setting and (2) how it conducts or reviews policy planning documents and ex ante analyses.
Speaker: Doug Besharov, University of Maryland
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Organizational Settings
The unit leaders will describe their organizational settings and the challenges they face
- Clinton Brass, Specialist in Government Organization and Management, Congressional Research Service
- Joseph Dunne, Director, European Parliament Liaison Office, Washington, D.C.
- Theresa Gullo, Director of Budget Analysis, Congressional Budget Office
- Wolfgang Hiller, Head, Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, European Parliament Research Service
- Chris Mihm, former Managing Director for Strategic Issues, US GAO
- Debora Revoltella, Chief Economist, European Investment Bank
- Stephen Sanford, Managing Director, Strategic Planning and External Liaison, US Government Accountability Office
- Martin Weber, Director of Audit Chamber II, Investments for Cohesion, Growth and Inclusion, European Court of Auditors
12:45 PM – 1:30 PM
Lunch Keynote
Speaker: Joseph Dunne, Director, European Parliament Liaison Office, Washington, D.C.
1:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Policy Planning and Ex Ante Analyses
The unit leaders will describe how they conduct or review policy planning documents, program and legislative proposals, and other ex-ante analyses, including how they estimate the effects of tax and/or spending decisions.
- Clinton Brass, Specialist in Government Organization and Management, Congressional Research Service
- Joseph Dunne, Director, European Parliament Liaison Office, Washington, D.C.
- Theresa Gullo, Director of Budget Analysis, Congressional Budget Office
- Wolfgang Hiller, Head, Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, European Parliament Research Service
- Chris Mihm, former Managing Director for Strategic Issues, US GAO
- Debora Revoltella, Chief Economist, European Investment Bank
- Stephen Sanford, Managing Director, Strategic Planning and External Liaison, US Government Accountability Office
- Martin Weber, Director of Audit Chamber II, Investments for Cohesion, Growth and Inclusion, European Court of Auditors
2:45 PM – 3:00 PM
Coffee Break
3:00 PM – 4:15 PM
Ex Post (and in Medias Res) Analyses
The unit leaders will describe how they conduct or review ex post (and in medias res) analyses of program implementation and impact.
- Clinton Brass, Specialist in Government Organization and Management, Congressional Research Service
- Joseph Dunne, Director, European Parliament Liaison Office, Washington, D.C.
- Theresa Gullo, Director of Budget Analysis, Congressional Budget Office
- Wolfgang Hiller, Head, Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value, European Parliament Research Service
- Chris Mihm, former Managing Director for Strategic Issues, US GAO
- Debora Revoltella, Chief Economist, European Investment Bank
- Stephen Sanford, Managing Director, Strategic Planning and External Liaison, US Government Accountability Office
- Martin Weber, Director of Audit Chamber II, Investments for Cohesion, Growth and Inclusion, European Court of Auditors
4:15 PM – 5:00 PM
Wrap Up
Open discussion from the floor and speakers
Speaker: Chris Mihm, former Managing Director for Strategic Issues, US GAO
Questions about the workshops should be directed to conferencesupport@appam.org.
Questions about registration should be direct to registration@appam.org.