Starting in 2025, the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management will be switching to an online-only format. Now, all the incredible research and insights from our highly-ranked journal will be available anywhere at anytime. Please note, this means that physical copies of JPAM will no longer be available.
Follow the guide below for a quick refresher on how to access JPAM online.
To access JPAM online, simply login to the member section of to find a direct link to JPAM online. Click the green Login button on the top of the homepage, then enter your credentials to log in.
Forgot your username? Please use this Username Retrieval tool.
If you do not remember your password, or never setup a password, you may set or reset your password here.
Once logged in, you will find the JPAM Online Access link at the top of the Quick Links sidebar, on the right.

After clicking the JPAM Online Access Link in the menu bar, you will be directed to an intermediate, authentication page. Select “Click here to access the journal” within five minutes to be directed to the Wiley Online Library.

Please note, bookmarking the “Click here to access this journal” link will not permit journal access. Access is only permitted after logging in to your My APPAM account.
*If you have already connected to the Wiley Online Library using the old instructions, you may continue to access JPAM in this manner. Any new JPAM online users must use this updated access method.
Download a PDF of this guide here.
Please contact if you have any questions or issues with connecting to JPAM online.