In an effort to encourage participation by underrepresented students in APPAM and its activities, the Policy Council and APPAM’s Diversity Committee created the ‘APPAM Equity and Inclusion Fellowship’ in April 2016. Due to the success of the program, the number of fellowships was increased to 34 for 2017. Fellowships were awarded to 25 recipients September of 2016; please click here for the list of winners. See details on the application eligibility requirements here.

The fellowship supports the travel and participation of these 34 students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds at the 2017 APPAM Fall Research Conference, November 2 - 4, in Chicago. The fellows will receive a complimentary registration, travel and lodging for the conference, as well as a stipend to cover some expenses at the conference.
In addition, the 34 fellows will be celebrated at the Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Luncheon (see Special Events for more info). Na’ilah Suad Nasir, the President of the Spencer Foundation, will be the featured speaker at the luncheon.
The fellows are also encouraged to take part in our Mentor Matching program, designed to connect APPAM student members with professionals to get advice on professional development issues, to discuss job search strategies, research projects and ideas, and answer any questions students may have as they approach graduation.
Selection of the 34 fellows was difficult as APPAM received well over 100 applications. Special thanks to the Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Selection Committee for reviewing all the applications. The committee members included: Raphael Bostic, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Kitt Carpenter, Vanderbilt University, Swati Desai, SUNY Albany, Brandi Holder, Southeast Missouri State University, Joyce Manchester, Vermont Legislative Joint Fiscal Office, Keshia Pollack, Johns Hopkins University, Joaquin Alfredo-Angel Rubalcaba, University of New Mexico, Mayra Sánchez González, Texas A & M University, Lucie Schmidt, Williams College, Rachel Swanger, Pardee RAND Graduate School.
Congratulations to the 2017 Equity and Inclusion Fellowship Recipients! We look forward to celebrating you in Chicago at #2017APPAM.
Mackenzie Alston, Texas A&M University
Dhara Minesh Amin, Virginia Commonwealth University
Minahil Asim, Univeristy of Califorinia, Davis
Kathryn Bradley, George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration
Michael Brandon Bailey, University of South Carolina, Columbia
Tolani Britton, Harvard University
Ashley Causey-Golden, Teachers College, Columbia University
Gina Charusombat, UCLA, Luskin School of Public Affairs
Valerie Crespín-Trujillo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jacquelyn D'Almeida Reznikoff, University of California, Los Angeles
Amani Edwards, University at Albany, State University of New York
Cheryl Ellenwood, University of Arizona, School of Government and Public Policy
Li Fang, University of Maryland, College Park
Bo Feng, Georgia State University
Francisco Garcia, Indiana University South Bend
Tamara Gilkes, Stanford University
Melissa Gomez Hernandez, Florida International University
Vivian Gonzalez Cueto, Florida International University
Morgan Gray, Texas A & M, Bush School of Government and Public Service
Alberto Guzman-Alvarez, University of Pittsburgh
Chantal Hailey, New York University
Andrea Marie Headley, Florida International University
Chyna Hill, University of Southern California, School of Social Work
Chester Holland, University of Delaware
Alexandria Hurtt, University of California, Davis
Kellen Kane, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Stacey Lambert, Long Island University
Antoine Lovell, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service
Silvester Mata, University of Houston
Venkata Krishna Nadella, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington
Sonia Moreno Rogers, The University of Texas, San Antonio
Edward Smith, University of Pennsylvania
Roshard Williams, Rutgers University, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Meheret Woldeyohannes, American University, School of Public Affairs