

Equity & Inclusion Undergraduate Fellowship Application

The 2024 Equity & Inclusion Fellowship supports the travel and participation of students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds at our 2024 Fall Research Conference in National Harbor, MD. While at the conference, the fellowship recipients will have the opportunity to formally network with each other and with members of the Policy Council and Diversity Committee at a Fellowship Luncheon recognizing them and their accomplishments.  

Fellowship recipients will also have many opportunities to informally network with other students and engage in mentoring activities with professionals during the conference. The goal of this fellowship program is to introduce recipients to the world of public policy and APPAM, and foster a lifelong affiliation and engagement with both.


Fellowship Eligibility

  • Undergraduate students enrolled at an institution of higher education.
  • The nominee must be an undergraduate student at the time of the conference.
  • Students that received their bachelors degree prior to the 2024 APPAM Fall Conference are not eligible to apply.
  • Must be able to attend the 2024 APPAM Conference, November 21- 23, 2024, in National Harbor, MD in-person
  • Applicants must be underrepresented or marginalized communities and/or individuals whose background or life circumstances indicate they have overcome substantial obstacles (e.g., disabled individuals, racial or ethnic minorities, LGBTQI individuals, etc.) as indicated in the demographic information section of this application.

Fellowship Applications

Applications for the 2024 Equity & Inclusion Fellowship must include the following: 
  • Completed application
  • CV or resume
  • Letter of recommendation/support from an employer

Applications Open Spring 2024

Fellowship Terms

All Equity and Inclusion Fellows will receive: 
2024 Annual Fall Research Conference Registration Fee
A scholarship in the amount of $599 to offset costs of transportation (air and ground) as well as meals during the conference
Two nights' accommodations at the Gaylord National Harbor in National Harbor, MD. (November 21-13, 2024)
A meet and greet celebration luncheon for 2023 APPAM Student Fellowship featuring an exciting keynote speaker (Friday)
A Thursday afternoon meet-and-greet for past and present fellows 
Opportunity to receive mentoring

Important Dates

Interested in supporting the 2024 cohort?

Check out the #2024APPAM Equity & Inclusion Fellowship sponsor and individual support opportunities

For more information about the Equity & Inclusion Fellowship, please contact Leslie Ofori.
