Fall Research Conference 



#2021APPAM Fall Research Conference Sponsors


The Power of Inclusion:
Incorporating Diverse Voices in Public Policy
Analysis and Management

March 27-29, 2022 | Austin, Texas


The APPAM Fall Research Conference is a multi-disciplinary annual research conference that attracts the highest quality research on a wide variety of important current and emerging policy and management issues. The conference is comprised of panels, roundtables, and poster presentations and is designed to encourage substantive interaction among participants.

Review all sponsorship opportunities here.


Platinum Sponsors

Baruch EMKF_Stacked_RGB  
UMD_SPP_copy Peterson_Foundation UT_Austin_LBJ



Gold Sponsors


CMYK_McCourt_Logo_Formal_Horizontal GA_Tech
MDRC3 Thursday_NORC wagner_stacked_color_short_10.3
stacked USC_Price  



Silver Sponsors







MU_UnitSig_TrumanSchool_horiz_4C Harris U_of_Albany_-_UPDATED_0304
UGA_SPIA UPITT_Logo VCU_Wilder_School_Logo
Heinz_College_logo_OFFICIAL Heller_logo_blue_DIGITAL  


Bronze Sponsors

EdChoice GWU Northeastern
UC_Denver UMBC_logo2 urban_grid_blue_trans


Affiliate Receptions

Indiana University
Monday, March 28
7:30 p.m.  -  9:00 p.m.
3rd Floor - Lone Star C

University of Chicago
Monday, March 28
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
3rd Floor - Room 303


Event & Item Sponsorships

Conference Lanyards American University 
Charging Station Baruch College CUNY
Communities Lounge Peter G. Peterson Foundation
Conference Water Bottles Westat
Daily Event Emails University of Georgia
Dependent Care Grants Washington Center for Equitable Growth
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Meet-up University of Washington
Hand Sanitizer Station University of Texas, Dallas
Headshot Lounge Kauffman Foundation
Hotel Key Cards University of Chicago
Mobile App Abt Associates
Streaming Partner Pennsylvania State University
Exhibit Refreshments - Sunday Baruch College CUNY
Exhibit Refreshments - Monday Baruch College CUNY
Exhibit Refreshments - Tuesday American Institute for Research
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Lunch Mathematica
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Lunch Westat
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Lunch MDRC
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Lunch Urban Institute
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Lunch Abt Associates
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Lunch American Institutes for Research
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Lunch RAND Corporation
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Lunch NORC at the University of Chicago
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Lunch RTI International
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Meet Up Rand Corporation
Equity & Inclusion Fellowship Meet Up Northeastern
Student Mixer University of Texas - Arlington
Student Mixer The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy
Student Mixer Rice University




Abt Associates Booth 211
American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon) Booth 208
Baruch College Booth 202/204
Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) Booth 107
Florida State University Booth 101
Georgia Institute of Technology Booth 113
Mathematica Booth 215
MDRC Booth 207
National Tax Association (NTA) Booth 206
NORC at the University of Chicago Booth 103
Northeastern University Booth 105
Rice University Booth 213
Russell Sage Foundation Booth 210
Syracuse Booth 205
Texas A&M University Booth 115
University of Chicago: Harris School of Public Policy Booth 214
University of Southern California Booth 209
University of Texas at Austin Booth 203
Virginia Commonwealth University Booth 212