The Decennial Census is probably the single most important data collection event of the Federal government. Public policy is directly affected by the Census which provides for apportionment of the House of Representatives, data for constructing political districts, information for the distribution of more that $1.5 trillion to states and localities each year, and benchmarks for many other data collections. The 2020 Census, which is currently underway, is facing unprecedented challenges, in part, because of the nation’s response the COVID-19 virus. In this webinar a U.S. Census Bureau representative will outline the changes the U.S Census Bureau had to make in response to the virus and provide an update on how data collection is going. In addition, you will hear from two census experts from outside the U.S Census Bureau who will provide their perspective on the 2020 Census. Webinar participants will also have an opportunity to ask questions of the presenters.
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