Fall Research Conference


2019 Submissions


Submission Information for

Rising to the Challenge:
Engaging Diverse Perspectives on Issues and Evidence

November 7 - 9, 2019  | Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel |  Denver, Colorado


Submissions are now closed.

Thank you for your proposals!   Submitting a proposal to present for a panel, poster, roundtable, single paper or super session at our Fall Research Conferences is an excellent way for professionals and students in public policy to engage with the greater global public policy community while advancing their careers.  Consistent with this year's theme of Rising to the Challenge: Engaging Diverse Perspectives on Issues and Evidence, we will be making decisions about proposals with due consideration to how they promote diversity. We define "diversity" in this context as research endeavors that reach across disciplinary, methodological and ideological divides to optimize public policy.
Use the information on this page to review the formats for this year's research submissions, the policy area(s) under which your submission might fall, rules and general information for submission, and key dates and deadlines to remember.  This should be helpful as you begin thinking about submissions for our 2020 Fall Research Conference in Washington, DC.  


Proposal Submission Information

The submission period for the 2019 Fall Research Conference opened on February 4, 2019.  All submissions were due by 11:59 PM PT on Thursday, April 11, 2019.

We solicited abstracts for (1) individual papers to be integrated into panels, (2) panels made up of 3-4 papers, (3) roundtables, (4) super sessions, and (5) posters. Abstracts for individual papers and posters were required to be no longer than 500 words; if a panel of papers was proposed, we expected a summary of each paper plus an overarching description of the panel and its importance. Descriptions for roundtables  and super sessions were also required to be no longer than 500 words, plus a listing of participants and a summary of their contributions.  Here are a few helpful tips we provided:

  • Individuals may only serve as a presenting author on one panel throughout the conference, though they may serve in other roles multiple times.
  • Individuals may not serve as a chair or discussant for a panel on which they are also presenting a paper.
  • Submissions that demonstrate diversity in terms of organizational affiliations, professional roles, race/gender/ethnicity, and/or ideology & methodology - through questionnaire answers - will be prioritized in the review process.  
  • The final phase of the acceptance process will specifically entail vetting submissions for the aforementioned types of diversity. 
  • Diversity in terms of proposal content and author/participant backgrounds are both priorities for this conference.   


A panel at #2018APPAM.

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2019 Policy Areas

For our 41st Fall Research Conference, we accepted submissions in fifteen policy areasFor a description of each policy area, please visit the policy areas webpage.

  • Crime, Justice and Drugs 
  • Education
  • Employment and Training Programs
  • Family and Child Policy
  • Health Policy
  • Housing, Community Development, and Urban Policy
  • Innovations in Science and Technology
  • Methods and Tools of Analysis
  • National Security and Homeland Security
  • National Resource Security, Energy, and Environmental Policy
  • Politics, Media, and the Policy Process
  • Population and Migration Issues
  • Poverty and Income Policy
  • Public and Nonprofit Management and Finance
  • Social Equity and Race



A presenter at #2018APPAM.

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Single Paper Listing

If you are interested in submitting a panel but need additional papers to complete your proposal, we invite you to review the Single Paper Listing which will be updated weekly as submissions are received. This listing includes the policy area and abstracts for each single paper submitted for inclusion in the 2019 Fall Research Conference. Fully submitted panel submissions have an average acceptance rate of 47% compared to 26% for single paper submissions. 

We hope this will encourage APPAM members and the public policy community at large to broaden their research networks and become familiar with their peers who are doing important work around the world.

The listings will be updated each Thursday until the submission deadline of April 11, 2019.  Any policy area that does not have an active hyperlink has not yet received any submissions.

Crime, Justice, and Drugs

Housing, Community Development, and Urban Policy

Politics, Media, and
the Policy Process


Innovations in Science
and Technology

Population and Migration Issues

Employment and Training Programs

Methods and Tools of Analysis

Poverty and Income Policy

Family and Child Policy

National Security and Homeland Security

Public and Nonprofit Management and Finance

Health Policy

Natural Resource
Security, Energy, and
Environmental Policy

Social Equity and Race




A super session at #2018APPAM

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Submission Instructions

The following specific instructions on the submission process were provided.

How to Submit a Panel

How to Submit a Paper

How to Submit a Poster

How to Submit a Roundtable

How to Submit a Super Session


Session Definitions

Panel - Panels include 3-4 papers.  A chair and at least one, and a maximum of two discussants are required.  Panels with four papers are encouraged to have two discussants.  Presenting authors may not serve as the chair or discussant on the same panel. Individuals may only present a paper on one panel throughout the conference, though they may serve as a chair or discussant multiple times.

Single Papers - Single papers are proposals that will later be combined with other single papers to be presented as cohesive panel sessions around a single topic.

Poster - Poster submissions are single paper proposals that are presented in a poster format.  Presenters will be asked to discuss their work and answer questions during each poster session.  A first, second, and third pace winner will be selected from the presenters each day.

Roundtable - Roundtables do not include papers, but rather feature speakers who will discuss a topic from varying perspectives and draw the audience into a discussion on the topic.  Roundtable proposals should include 4 speakers plus a moderator.

NEW! Super Sessions - Super Sessions are broadly-appealing sessions that will interest a large number of attendees, and cover an important and topical issue in public policy.   We are offering this format as a submissions option for the first time this year. 


Sean Darling-Hammond won First Prize on Thursday at #2018APPAM for his poster "Intergroup Contact at 'Work': Can Workplace Diversity Programs Reduce Bias?"

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Important Dates to Remember

Submissions Open February 4
Submissions Close (no extension) April 11
Accept/Reject Notifications Sent Mid July
2019 Fall Research Conference November 7-9

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Questinsa about the conference should continue to be directed to Tristanne Staudt.




